State of Illinois Online Auction

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View Title Lot Number winning Bidasc Ends
Lot # 2540 - Strand Lighting Mini Lightpallette 90 C Lot # 2540 - Strand Lighting Mini Lightpallette 90 Console 2540 $ 101.00 08/31/2018 10:06 PM
Lot # 4858 - Apple Air Pods Lot # 4858 - Apple Air Pods 4858 $ 101.00 03/29/2019 07:02 PM
Lot # 7185 - Mobile Audio Cabinet w/Components Lot # 7185 - Mobile Audio Cabinet w/Components 7185 $ 101.00 11/08/2019 07:12 PM
Lot # 8215 - Ballasts Lot # 8215 - Ballasts 8215 $ 101.00 03/06/2020 07:30 PM
Lot #1796 (5) Five  Ear Buds  (Various&# Lot #1796 (5) Five Ear Buds (Various) 1796 $ 101.00 09/23/2022 07:04 PM
Lot #2104 Stage Lighting Lot #2104 Stage Lighting 2104 $ 101.00 11/25/2022 07:06 PM
Lot #3205 Electrical Wiring/Misc items Lot #3205 Electrical Wiring/Misc items 3205 $ 101.00 09/22/2023 07:16 PM
Lot #3460 TRUE REFIGERATOR Lot #3460 TRUE REFIGERATOR 3460 $ 101.00 01/19/2024 07:26 PM
Lot #3655 MIXED PALLET/ASSORTED ITEMS Lot #3655 MIXED PALLET/ASSORTED ITEMS 3655 $ 101.00 04/05/2024 07:28 PM
Lot #4529 (2) PALLETS OF EQUIPMENT Lot #4529 (2) PALLETS OF EQUIPMENT 4529 $ 100.99 01/31/2025 07:10 PM
Lot # 7535 - Wired Earbuds/Headphones (2 each ba Lot # 7535 - Wired Earbuds/Headphones (2 each bags) 7535 $ 100.51 12/01/2019 09:06 PM
Lot # 9472 - ButtKicker Power Amplifier BKA1000-N Lot # 9472 - ButtKicker Power Amplifier BKA1000-N 9472 $ 100.00 05/25/2018 11:26 PM
Lot # 3345 - Bluetooth Headphones (11 each) Lot # 3345 - Bluetooth Headphones (11 each) 3345 $ 100.00 11/09/2018 10:52 PM
Lot #1780 (5) Five  Ear Buds  (Various&# Lot #1780 (5) Five Ear Buds (Various) 1780 $ 100.00 09/16/2022 07:50 PM
Lot #2103 Audio?Visual Equipment Lot #2103 Audio?Visual Equipment 2103 $ 100.00 11/25/2022 07:04 PM
Lot #3135 Earphones/Earpods/Headphones Lot #3135 Earphones/Earpods/Headphones 3135 $ 100.00 08/25/2023 07:22 PM
Lot # 4446 - Apple Air Pods Lot # 4446 - Apple Air Pods 4446 $ 98.00 02/15/2019 10:16 PM
Lot # 4444 - Apple Air Pods Lot # 4444 - Apple Air Pods 4444 $ 96.00 02/15/2019 10:06 PM
Lot #2433   Speakers Lot #2433 Speakers 2433 $ 96.00 02/24/2023 07:10 PM
Lot # 8705 - Brunton 14 Watt Solarroll's (2 Lot # 8705 - Brunton 14 Watt Solarroll's (2 each) 8705 $ 95.51 03/30/2018 11:06 PM
Lot #2853 Generator/Miscellaneous items Lot #2853 Generator/Miscellaneous items 2853 $ 95.00 06/16/2023 07:06 PM
Lot # 4428 - Beats Solo Bluetooth Headphones w/Case Lot # 4428 - Beats Solo Bluetooth Headphones w/Case 4428 $ 94.45 02/15/2019 09:37 PM
Lot # 578 - GE Electric Motor (see picture galle Lot # 578 - GE Electric Motor (see picture gallery) 578 $ 94.00 10/02/2015 07:06 PM
Lot # 4445 - Apple Air Pods Lot # 4445 - Apple Air Pods 4445 $ 92.00 02/15/2019 10:08 PM
Lot #1276 PALLET OF MISC ITEMS Lot #1276 PALLET OF MISC ITEMS 1276 $ 92.00 05/06/2022 07:59 PM
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Current system time: Feb 9, 2025 18:49:05