State of Illinois Online Auction

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Item Category: All > Miscellaneous

1991 Sikorsky S76B, N761LL
Auction ID: 123331

This item has been viewed 125693 times


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Current Bid:
$ 515,161.00

Shipping Fee:
$ 0.00

This auction is closed

Item Description

Location:  This helicopter is located at Abraham Lincoln Capitol Airport, Springfield, IL

Make:  SIKORSKY                                                                                                        Model:  S-76B

Serial No:  760379                             Reg. No.:  N761LL                                              Yr. Mfg.:  1991

Type of Helicopter: Multi Engine Turbine Powered 

Airframe Total Time:  3951 Hrs.   

Engine #1

Make:  Pratt and Whitney                                      Model:  PT6B-36A

Engine Serial Number:  PCE-36149                   Total Time:  3740                                              

Time Since Overhaul:  242

Engine #2

Make:  Pratt and Whitney                                      Model:  PT6B-36

Engine Serial Number:  PCE-36144                   Total Time:  3913                                                             

Time Since Overhaul:  458



  • Bids on aircraft will be accepted online only at iBid (  Bids will be accepted online beginning July 2, 2015.  The auction concludes on August 3, 2015.  Purchases must be completed, including aircraft removal, by August 10, 2015 (5 P.M., CST).

  • Prospective bidders must download, complete, and submit the “Bidder Application Form”, and be "prequalified" by the State of Illinois (State) for this sale.The completed Bidder Application Form must be emailed to:   Any unrecognized and or unknown bids will be rejected from the sale.

  • To be considered eligible to bid, prospective bidders must submit a $5,000.00 (usd) bid deposit.Instructions for submitting the required escrow deposit will be provided by the State after bidder is pre-qualified.

  • A Preview (physical inspection) of the four (4) aircraft – Lots 1, 2, 3, and 8 - located at Abraham Lincoln Capitol Airport, Springfield, IL, is planned for Monday, July 13, 2015 (1 P.M., CST). 

  • A Preview (physical inspection) of the one (1) aircraft – Lot 9 – located at J. A. Avionics in Sugar Grove, IL is scheduled for Tuesday, July 14, 2015 (1 P.M., CST).

  • The State must maximize the return on taxpayer funded assets.  iBid will extend the auction closing time on the assets in 3-minute increments until there is one (1) clear, uncontested, and acceptable bid.

WARNING:  The State reserves the right to change, without notice, the online sale terms and conditions, including removing the aircraft from sale.  Bidders are cautioned to periodically review these terms and conditions for possible updates and changes. No prior notice will be afforded any prospective bidder and is the sole responsibility of the bidder to know.


  • A $5,000.00 bid deposit is required for gaining access to bid on all State aircraft listed for auction/sale.This deposit guarantees you access to bid at public auction.Only organizations and individuals who have completed the Bidder Application Form, have been "prequalified" to bid by the State, and submitted a bid deposit will be considered eligible to bid.

  • At the time of the approved bidder application, the State will email eligible bidder with instructions to wire transfer their escrow bid deposit to “Insured Aircraft Title Service, Inc.,” the State’s selected aircraft title/escrow company.

  • Bid deposits will only be accepted by Insured Aircraft Title Service, Inc., the State’s selected aircraft title/escrow company.Bid deposits must be received by Insured Aircraft Title Service, Inc. no later than 2 p.m. (CST) on Monday, August 3, 2015, to be eligible to bid.Auction/sale begins closing on Monday, August 3, 2015, at 3 p.m.

  • Bidders must provide their iBid login name, telephone number, email address and return mailing address when submitting their bid deposit.Bid deposit will be applied to a default fee, should the high bidder decide to default on the listed item.Bidders will be notified via email following receipt of the deposit.

    NOTE:  Only one (1) deposit per bidder is required to bid on one or more of the aircraft on this sale.


  • All aircraft with exception of Lot 9 - N4131Q, 421C Eagle; Cessna Twin Engine - are located at Abraham Lincoln Capitol Airport, Springfield, IL.Lot 9 is located at, JA Air Center, Inc., Sugar Grove, IL.

  • Prequalified bidders (approved by the State) are encouraged to personally preview and inspect the aircraft.

  • Inspection date and time have been scheduled for "prequalified" bidders at a restricted facility and inspection date.Time will be limited.Bidders are encouraged to make every effort to attend the preview and inspect on the dates offered.

  • During an inspection at a State facility, actions taken by bidders are at their own risk. The State will not be liable for any or all debts, judgments, costs, demands, suits, actions, or claims of any nature arising from or incident to their inspection at the State facility, including any injuries that a bidder incurs due to their own actions or neglect during their visit at a State facility.

AIRCRAFT PREVIEW DATE:    Monday, July 13, 2015

PREVIEW TIME:                         1 p.m. (CST)

PREVIEW ADDRESS:                 IL Dept of Transportation/Abe Lincoln Airport

                                                     1 Langhorne Bond Drive, Springfield, IL 62707                                                                   

                                                      POC:  Mr. Mark Miller (CMS), Mr. Steve Young (IDOT), and Mr. Robert Thorpe (IDOT)

                                                      Note: Four (4) aircraft – Lots 1, 2, 3, & 8 - available at this location         


AIRCRAFT PREVIEW DATE:      Tuesday, July 14, 2015

PREVIEW TIME:                           1 p.m. (CST)

PREVIEW ADDRESS:                  JA Air Center, Inc., 43W730 U.S. 30

                                                      Sugar Grove, IL  60554

                                                      POC:  Mr. Mark Miller (CMS), Mr. Steve Young (IDOT), and Mr. Robert Thorpe (IDOT)

                                                      Note:  One (1) aircraft – Lot 9 - available at this location


ATTENDEE PREVIEW NOTICE:  Only bidders who have completed the Bidder Application Form and have been “prequalified” by the State may attend the previews and inspect the available aircraft and records.  To confirm your attendance, complete and email the Bidder Application Form to:


By placing a bid on any item offered sale, the Bidder creates a binding offer between the Bidder and the State with the Terms and Conditions contained herein.

The State shall accept the highest bid on any item offered for sale provided that such bid is determined by the State to maximize the return on each taxpayer funded asset.  The State reserves the right, at their sole and absolute discretion, to reject any and or all bids considered not in their respective best interest. 

Upon the State's acceptance of any bid, a contract between the bidder and the State shall exist and shall contain the following Terms and Conditions:

1)        All property offered for sale is “AS-IS” and “WHERE-IS”.

2)        ALL SALES ARE FINAL.  There are no refunds or sales.

3)         In its sole discretion and without notice, the State will extend the auction closing time on any asset in increments of three (3) minutes to ensure one (1) clear, uncontested, and high bid.

4)         The implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and all other warranties, including but not limited to the authenticity, guarantee of condition, or value of any item, either expressed or implied, are specifically disclaimed and excluded from any sale or transaction.         

5)         Buyer must be in good standing.   Buyer must be registered, "prequalified", and in good standing with the State.

6)         Buyer must be of legal age and without legal disabilityBuyer is of legal age and without legal disability to enter into a contract with the State.

7)         Disclaimer of item description/public inspection of itemsEvery effort has been made to accurately describe the items offered for sale.  However, the bidder is cautioned that the items presented are used and may contain defects not immediately detectable.  Certain avionics depicted in photos may (or could) be removed by the State at its sole discretion.  Bidders are encouraged to inspect carefully as stock photos may be outdated.    

8)         Rejection of Bids.  The State reserves the right, at their sole and absolute discretion, to reject any and/or all bids considered as not in their financial best interest. 

9)         Items for Bid may be withdrawn at any time and without notice.  The State reserves the right to withdraw an item at any time – including during the bidding process.

10)       Sales Tax will not be addedSales Tax will not be added to the total amount of the purchase.  It is the winning bidder’s sole responsibility to comply with all applicable rules and regulations regarding Sales Tax payment obligation.

11)       Illinois Form 8300The completion of an Illinois form 8300 is required by the Internal Revenue Service if a payment is made in the amount of $10,000.00 or more by check card.

12)       Prohibition of Certain BiddersBidder shall not be an employee of the Illinois Department of Central Management Services, or be a person living in the household of any person employed by these respective offices.

13)       Bidder’s Limitation of Future ParticipationIn addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity, Bidders may be disabled and barred from participation in future State sales/auctions for any of the following:

  • Failure to observe these Terms and Conditions

  • Failure to make good and timely payment for the item(s) awarded.

  • Failure to claim purchases.

  • Intentional disruption of the auction process.                                                                                                                       

14)       Registration.  Registered, "prequalified" users may be disabled from participation in State sales/auctions for any of the following:

  • Suspicious registration information.

  • Incomplete registration information.


Winning bidder agrees to remit, within seven (7) business days after the date of award, payment in full, unless otherwise agreed to by the State.  Payment must be made in the form of a Wire Transfer, Bank Draft, or Cashier's Check made payable to the State Surplus Property Revolving Fund, in the amount of the balance due on the winning bid, and be accepted by the State.  Other forms of payment must be approved by the State.

All closing fees, costs, title, escrow fees, etc., associated with this sale shall be paid by the successful bidder.  Wire transfer instructions will be provided to winning bidders.

The aircraft, flight documents, logbooks, maintenance records, etc., will not be released to the winning bidder until bid acceptance by the State and full payment of balance due on the winning bid.    


If you are the successful bidder, property must be paid for and removed within seven (7) calendar days after the date of the sale/auction close, unless otherwise agreed to and approved by the State. 

Withdrawal of Property after Award

The State reserves the right to withdraw for its use any or all of the property and equipment covered by this contract if a bona fide requirement for the property develops or exists up to the time of the State’s acceptance of the high bid for the property.  In the event of a withdrawal under this condition, the State shall be liable only for the refund of the contract price of the withdrawn property or such portion of the contract price as it may have received.

Overseas Sales

Bidders are cautioned that aircraft awarded to foreign buyers and companies outside of the Continental United States (CONUS) may be required to complete and provide other aircraft certifications (and deregistration) in accordance with Federal laws, FAA regulations, Export Control, etc., prior to removal of aircraft. 


Property must be removed within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the sale/auction close, unless otherwise agreed to by the State.  Successful bidders are cautioned that they are responsible for packing, loading, and removal of any and all property awarded to them from the exact place where the property is located as indicated on the item description page for each item that they purchase on iBid ( The purchaser/winning bidder will make all arrangements and perform all work necessary to effect removal of their property at their sole expense.

Default/Failure to Remove/Penalties

Removal of the aircraft is by appointment only.

Winning bidder must bring proof of identification, bidder receipts, and proof of payment, proof of insurance, and pilot’s license.

Individuals or companies representing the winning bidder(s) must provide written letter of authorization to remove aircraft and confirmation of such by the Title Company and State.

Unpaid & Unclaimed Aircraft

Aircraft must be paid within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the sale/auction close, unless otherwise agreed to by the State.   Failure to make payment property within these seven (7) calendar days shall subject the winning bidder to the following penalties:

  1. At the State’s sole discretion, a reclamation of the awarded property and relisting of the same for public auction or award to successor bidder, or other remedies deemed advantageous to the State to conclude sale;

  2. Forfeiture of total bid deposit held in escrow;

  3. Assessment of any additional fees and charges including any storage, administrative, or other expenses necessary to re-auction or sell the unclaimed aircraft.

All unpaid/unclaimed aircraft will be resold, and above penalties shall be imposed on the delinquent bidder.  When bidder makes payment but fails to pick-up awarded aircraft, bidder shall only be entitled to a refund, less the penalties enumerated above.

Those requests for refunds, less the above penalty fees, must be made within ninety (90) calendar days after the original date of payment due.  The remaining refund balance can be applied back to the credit card account used for initial purchase of the item.  Under state law, bidders requesting a refund by check must provide the State iBid Office with a completed and signed  W-9 form identifying name, address, SSN, etc.  Refund checks will be mailed by the State Comptroller within sixty (60) – ninety (90) days.

The foregoing remedies are non-exclusive and are in addition to any other remedies that the State has at law or in equity to minimize damages to the state for unpaid unclaimed aircraft.

Additional Information
United States (62703)

Lot Number:

Equipment Number:

S/N: 760379




Shipping Conditions:
Buyer pays shipping expenses

Payment Instructions:
Winning bidder agrees to remit, within seven (7) business days after the date of award, payment in full, unless otherwise agreed to by the State. Payment must be made in the form of a Wire Transfer, Bank Draft, or Cashier's Check made payable to the State Surplus Property Revolving Fund, in the amount of the balance due on the winning bid, and be accepted by the State. Other forms of payment must be approved by the State.

All closing fees, costs, title, escrow fees, etc., associated with this sale shall be paid by the successful bidder. Wire transfer instructions will be provided to winning bidders.

The aircraft, flight documents, logbooks, maintenance records, etc., will not be released to the winning bidder until bid acceptance by the State and full payment of balance due on the winning bid.

Starting Bid:
$ 0.01

Auction started:
Jul 02, 2015 - 02:36 PM

Auction ends:
Aug 03, 2015 - 04:12 PM

Auction ID:

Item Category:

You must sign in to place a bid.

Current system time: Mar 28, 2025 01:12:00