State of Illinois Online Auction

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View Title Lot Number winning Biddesc Ends
Lot #1959 (20) Twenty  Portable USB Battery Lot #1959 (20) Twenty Portable USB Battery Chargers 1959 $ 25.99 10/14/2022 07:34 PM
Lot # 5902 - XBOX One Wireless Controller Lot # 5902 - XBOX One Wireless Controller 5902 $ 26.00 09/08/2017 10:40 PM
Lot # 8360 - Power Banks (10 each) Lot # 8360 - Power Banks (10 each) 8360 $ 26.00 03/23/2018 06:56 PM
Lot # 3346 - Wired Headphones (1 each gallon Zip Lot # 3346 - Wired Headphones (1 each gallon Ziploc bag) 3346 $ 26.00 11/09/2018 10:36 PM
Lot # 3536 - Miscellaneous Electronics (see pict Lot # 3536 - Miscellaneous Electronics (see picture gallery) 3536 $ 26.00 12/07/2018 08:14 PM
Lot # 4422 - JBL Bluetooth Speaker Lot # 4422 - JBL Bluetooth Speaker 4422 $ 26.00 02/15/2019 09:22 PM
Lot # 6580 - Sony Blutooth Headphones/Earbuds Lot # 6580 - Sony Blutooth Headphones/Earbuds 6580 $ 26.00 08/23/2019 09:22 PM
Lot #1786 (12) twelve Portable USB Battery C Lot #1786 (12) twelve Portable USB Battery Chargers 1786 $ 26.00 09/16/2022 08:07 PM
Lot #2824 Rechargable Blenders / Parts Lot #2824 Rechargable Blenders / Parts 2824 $ 26.00 06/09/2023 07:04 PM
Lot # 4435 - Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) Lot # 4435 - Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) 4435 $ 26.01 02/15/2019 09:48 PM
Lot # 6948 - Light Bulbs (see description) Lot # 6948 - Light Bulbs (see description) 6948 $ 26.12 10/04/2019 08:18 PM
Lot # 4439 - Bluetooth Headphones (8 each) Lot # 4439 - Bluetooth Headphones (8 each) 4439 $ 26.25 02/15/2019 09:56 PM
Lot # 2791 - Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) Lot # 2791 - Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) 2791 $ 26.49 09/21/2018 10:00 PM
Lot # 2792 - Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) Lot # 2792 - Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) 2792 $ 26.49 09/21/2018 10:02 PM
Lot # 2793 - Bluetooth Headphones (8 each) Lot # 2793 - Bluetooth Headphones (8 each) 2793 $ 26.49 09/21/2018 10:04 PM
Lot # 8077 - Miscellaneous Bluetooth Headphones ( Lot # 8077 - Miscellaneous Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) 8077 $ 26.50 02/14/2020 07:12 PM
Lot # 8351 - Miscellaneous Health Trackers (5 ea Lot # 8351 - Miscellaneous Health Trackers (5 each) 8351 $ 26.51 03/02/2018 09:00 PM
Lot # 8359 - Power Banks (10 each) Lot # 8359 - Power Banks (10 each) 8359 $ 26.89 03/02/2018 09:16 PM
Lot # 7557 - Bluetooth Speakers (4 each) Lot # 7557 - Bluetooth Speakers (4 each) 7557 $ 26.99 12/01/2019 09:38 PM
Lot # 4434 - Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) Lot # 4434 - Bluetooth Headphones (6 each) 4434 $ 27.00 02/15/2019 09:46 PM
Lot # 3443 TABLET CHARGING STATION Lot # 3443 TABLET CHARGING STATION 3443 $ 27.00 02/02/2024 07:50 PM
Lot #4018 TSA VARIOUS BATTERY PACKS Lot #4018 TSA VARIOUS BATTERY PACKS 4018 $ 27.00 07/19/2024 07:18 PM
Lot # 4865 - Beats Bluetooth Headphones Lot # 4865 - Beats Bluetooth Headphones 4865 $ 27.50 03/29/2019 07:16 PM
Lot # 4866 - Power Beats Bluetooth Headphones Lot # 4866 - Power Beats Bluetooth Headphones 4866 $ 28.00 03/29/2019 07:18 PM
Lot #1324 LAPTOP CHARGING STATION Lot #1324 LAPTOP CHARGING STATION 1324 $ 28.00 05/13/2022 07:58 PM
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Current system time: Feb 14, 2025 17:36:25