State of Illinois Online Auction

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Picture Auction Current bid Bids # Ends in
411527 - 2018 - Toyota Sienna $ 18,050.00 37 1h 3m
411485 - Lot # 20495 - Pallet of UNTESTED i7/i3 HP PCs (165 Approx) $ 1,025.00 10 5h 14m
411486 - Lot # 20496 - Pallet of UNTESTED i7/i3 HP PCs (165 Approx) $ 736.00 7 5h 16m
411487 - Lot # 20497 - 5 TESTED iPhones 12 64 GB $ 600.00 8 5h 21m
411542 - Lot #4813 (2) PALLETS OF MIXED ITEMS $ 36.00 4 7h 3m
411543 - Lot #4814 BOX OF MIXED LAPTOP CASES $ 5.00 1 7h 5m
411544 - Lot #4815 (1) PALLET OF MIXED ITEMS $ 5.50 3 7h 7m
411545 - Lot #4816 (2)PALLETS PATRIOT COOLING ITEMS $ 35.12 8 7h 9m
411546 - Lot #4817 MIXED FOOD SERVICE ITEMS $ 20.50 7 7h 11m
411547 - Lot #4818 (2)PALLETS OF ELECTRONICS $ 5.00 1 7h 13m
411548 - Lot #4819 (3) CARTS OF MIXED ITEMS $ 41.00 11 7h 15m
411549 - Lot #4820 MIXED ITEMS $ 20.51 11 7h 17m
411550 - Lot #4821 (2) PALLETS OF MIXED ITEMS $ 5.50 2 7h 19m
411551 - Lot #4822 (2) PALLETS OF MIXED ITEMS $ 15.50 5 7h 21m
411552 - Lot #4823 (2) PALLETS OF WILCOX PATRIOT ITEMS $ 5.00 1 7h 23m
411553 - Lot #4824 (2) PALLETS OF MIXED ITEMS $ 5.00 1 7h 25m
411554 - Lot #4825 METAL STORAGE RACK $ 15.50 5 7h 27m
411555 - Lot #4826 (2) MERCHANDISING RACKS $ 25.00 6 7h 29m
411556 - Lot #4827 MIXED TSA ITEMS IN BOOKCASE $ 123.50 10 7h 31m
411557 - Lot #4828 MIXED TSA ITEMS IN BOOKCASE $ 57.00 13 7h 33m
411558 - Lot #4829 MIXED TSA ITEMS IN BOOKCASES $ 143.50 5 7h 35m
411559 - Lot #4830 TSA KNIVES/BLADES/SCISSORS/CORKSCREWS/ MISC. ITEMS $ 1,210.00 4 7h 37m
411560 - Lot #4831 TSA KNIVES/BLADES/SCISSORS/CORKSCREWS/ MISC. ITEMS $ 535.00 3 7h 39m
411566 - Lot #4832 CLOTHING AND MISC ITEMS $ 5.00 1 7h 41m
411567 - Lot #4833 CLOTHING AND MISC ITEMS $ 5.00 1 7h 43m
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Current system time: Mar 28, 2025 11:56:17